Saturday, August 30, 2008

agusut is a slow month...

still noyhing blog worthy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I haven't blog in a while...

but I relly have nothing to say right now. I did go to sea world in texas and this wax musem it was pretty cool.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I like this blog.....

If you read or have read Maximum ride you should go there.

Now if only The Outsiders had a blog.

The Outsiders by S.E Hinton.

Monday, July 28, 2008

So tired....

School's starting and I'm already so busy! I am flying(well in a plane that is not litterly{that's not spelled right is it?} I mean I don't have wings or anything. Max does thouh check her out in the book Maximum Ride by James patterson) to texas [!] next week. I have to go to band camp after that and mini flag corp camp tommorw. Cause I'm in Flag Corp! YEAH! I hope. Anyway that just adds to my already usally busy school life.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vulture Cardinal

I saw one of these outside my bath room window once and no one belived me well heres the proof bald cardinals do exsist!

Ha! Ha! Why did it take me so long to look this up? And why didn't I think of the whole molting thing!


That's what time it is here. Lemon chicken is very good you need to eat sum. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know how there are veggiterians are ther like meatatarian! HA! that was a joke!